Symptoms of Rapid Weight Loss
Possible Causes of Rapid Weight Loss
Rapid weight loss may be a sign of a larger problem. Possible causes include thyroid problems, medication side-effects, diabetes and cancer. Rapid weight loss may also be caused by events such as aging, menopause, loss of a loved one, depression and eating disorders.
Clinical Symptoms
The clinical symptoms of rapid weight loss include 14q+ syndrome, 18-Hydroxylase deficiency, 18p minus syndrome, 1q deletion and 2-Hydroxyglutaricaciduria. These symptoms include failure to thrive, vomiting, growth retardation and lethargy.
Common Symptoms
Since unintentional, unexplained and rapid weight loss degrades the quality of nutrition in the body, it weakens the immune system. It is a clear sign that the body poorly digests food, lacks food or has significantly decreased food absorption. Coughing, nausea, fatigue, weakness, lack of energy, fever, sore-throat, anxiety and depressive symptoms may be experienced.
Body Symptoms
Children and adolescents suffering from unexplained and rapid weight loss may suffer from poor growth. For adults, a clear sign of rapid weight loss is the sudden loosening of clothing. Without immediate treatment, these symptoms can lead to body abnormalities.
Weight Symptoms
Losing 5 percent of your weight each month, or about 10 percent of your weight in six months, is a clear sign of rapid weight loss. If you are not in a weight-loss program, you may be experiencing hormonal or thyroid issues.
What to do
If you rapidly lose 10 percent of your body weight, consult your doctor for tests. For cases of extreme weight loss, visit a gastroenterologist.