What Are the Dangers of Losing Weight Too Fast?
Rapid weight loss can be dangerous when calories are restricted. The body needs a certain amount of calories for healthy functioning (typically more than 1,200 per day), though the amount varies and is determined by age, size and gender. Because the body will lose water weight before it burns fat, when you cut calories drastically, dehydration may result.
When you lose weight too fast, you risk becoming malnourished. Drastic reduction in calories may also equal a lack of important vitamins and minerals. Iron is crucial to health, as it contributes to circulation and helps the body transport oxygen. Vitamins such as vitamin D are necessary for emotional health as well as bone health. A wide variety of food must be consumed for proper nutrition, and an adequate amount of fat is needed to insulate the body and are the foundation for every system in the body (such as brain, hormones and nervous system).
Some fasting diets can cause diarrhea. Diarrhea is not only terribly uncomfortable and inconvenient, it can lead to dehydration. Those who experience diarrhea may have a difficult time consuming foods because of stomach cramps and discomfort. In addition, the sodium and potassium levels may decrease, contributing to illness.
The body uses calories for energy and health. When you greatly reduce calories, you may suffer fatigue. Feeling depleted and irritable are common side effects of poor nutrition and extreme dieting.
Losing weight too quickly can cause visible appearance changes. A lack of vitamins, water and fat can leave the skin dry, hair dull and complexion gaunt. All of these negative effects do not make extreme dieting worthwhile; rather, they emphasize the need for proper nutrition and careful weight loss. For diet tips, see "Resources."