What Is Tonalin CLA?
CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid, which is derived from safflower oil. This acid is completely natural and can also be found in meat and dairy products; however, it is difficult to ingest enough CLA through dairy and meat products alone--this is where Tonalin CLA comes into play.
How It Works
CLA inhibits an enzyme in the digestive system that breaks down fat. By inhibiting this enzyme, the body does not completely break down the fat that is ingested through eating, and thus the fat does not get absorbed by the body. By having less fat absorbed into the body, there will be a lower chance of gaining weight and a higher likelihood of your body trying to burn off preexisting fat in an effort to make up for the fat that it did not absorb through food.
Tonalin CLA comes in pill form. The number of pills taken per day depend on the individual and her goals, but pills are generally taken before meals, and usually only before breakfast and lunch. CLA pills generally have recommendations on the back for dosage, which allows for you to decide which dosage is appropriate for you. Despite the number of pills that you decide to take, it is important that you take the pills with breakfast, and then you can decide if you want to take more with lunch. Never take the pills with dinner. CLA products have a tendency to increase energy, so if taken too late, they can interfere with your sleeping patterns.
Tonalin CLA does not work for everyone, but overall, CLA is proven to decrease the amount of fat in the body and increase the amount of lean muscle. Generally, it takes about a month to see results, so when taking this supplement, give it time and do not get discouraged when you do not see immediate results.
Tonalin CLA is not FDA-approved. The FDA has not evaluated the effectiveness, the side effects or any other aspects of this supplement. Due to this fact, this supplement should not be taken to cure, prevent or treat any conditions or diseases.
Tonalin is simply the brand name of the CLA product, so Tonalin does not stand for anything, other than the company that is selling the product, which means that you can look for other products that contain CLA that might be a better fit for you.
Tonalin CLA is generally found in any GNC or other health-related stores, as well as on numerous websites. Generally, CLA products can be found in greater quantities for cheaper if ordered online, rather than going into a store to buy it.