Green Tea Benefits for Dieters
Green tea originated in China. It has been a choice drink in Asian and Middle Eastern cultures for thousands of years. Green tea was used as a traditional medicine in Japan, China, India and Thailand to help heal wounds, control bleeding, regulate body temperature and promote digestion. A Zen priest, Eisai, wrote in 1191 that drinking green tea eases the effects of alcohol, cures blotchiness and improves the urine and brain function.
The tea plant, camellia sinesis, offers black, white and green tea. The different types of tea are determined by the way they are prepared and grown. Green tea is the mature, unfermented tea leaf. Green tea may be kiln roasted or steamed. One 6-oz. cup of green tea is equivalent to 30 mg of caffeine. Green tea can be purchased in traditional tea bags, as loose tea or packaged in supplements.
Green tea boosts the metabolic rate, which aids in weight loss. Studies reported in publications such as The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition have shown that green tea is safe, and that when consumed prior to meals, it aids in digestion and helps to burn calories.
Side Effects
Green tea does not have the side effects that are normally associated with diet supplements that contain ephedra. However, green tea does contain caffeine. Individuals who are sensitive to caffeine should avoid drinking green tea. Individuals are cautioned about drinking more than 4 to 6 cups of green tea a day, as it can cause insomnia, loss of appetite, headaches and stomach upset. People who have heart conditions, kidney disease, anxiety or panic disorders, or stomach problems are cautioned about green tea, and they should ask their doctor's opinion before ingesting large amounts of green tea on a daily basis.
Green tea is known for its antioxidant properties. In addition to boosting the metabolism, it may help lower bad cholesterol, raise good cholesterol, reduce inflammation associated with inflammatory bowel disease and control blood sugar, and it may help to prevent some cancers.