What Are Fat-Burning Hormones?
Every body balances fat-burning hormones with fat-storing hormones. Though fat-burning hormones are higher in number, they are also weaker than the fat-storing hormones. According to Women's Fitness and Health Blog, certain factors need to be properly acknowledged and completed in order to trigger the hormones to do their job. These factors include proper diet, exercise and sleep. The more these hormones work, the more weight you'll lose. Six fat-burning hormones work together, which include thyroid, adrenaline, glucagons, testosterone, human growth hormone (HGH) and insulin-like growth factor.
In order for fat-burning hormones to function, you must maintain a healthy liver, which is in charge of activating these hormones. To do so, you must eat a proper diet that lowers the level of insulin and includes no excess alcohol, medications, fat or animal protein. Diets, such as the Atkins diet, throw off the normal balance of nutrients and are hard on the liver. Stick to foods high in amino acids or proteins, such as nuts, sesame and pumpkin seeds, mushrooms, coconut, citric fruits, berries and squash. Stay away from refined carbohydrates that block fat-burning hormones, such as white bread, pastas and sweets.
Cardio and strength training workouts have the ability to trigger fat-burning hormones that help you lose weight. Aerobic exercise is long, low-impact workouts that begin burning fat 20 to 30 minutes after you begin. Though this type does burn fat during the workout, it burns less fat than anaerobic workouts, overall. Anaerobic exercise is shorter, high-impact workouts that burn sugar fuel. In turn, these workouts continue to burn fat 24 to 48 hours after the workout and while you sleep. Both types can help trigger metabolism and fat-burning hormones.
During an anaerobic, high-impact workout, the growth hormone is released. Later, the liver converts this hormone into the insulin-like growth hormone while you sleep. This allows your blood sugar levels to remain steady while not eating for many hours, and it allows your body to continue burning fat during deep cycles of nighttime sleep. In order for this process to run its course, you need at least seven hours of sleep a night. While this process is taking place, it also allows your body a chance to recover from a high-impact workout.
With a proper balance of diet, exercise and sleep, your body will maintain a healthy metabolism and active fat-burning hormones. It's very important to balance the three factors and to not overdo it. Instead of trying fat-burning diets, just eat the type of foods the keep your liver healthy and your hormones active. Don't exercise too much. This will cause pain and stress to your body, which triggers cortisol, a fat-storing hormone. If you don't get enough sleep every night, the process of burning fat will not run its course. With a proper balance, you will be on your way to natural health and weight loss.