Pros & Cons of Weight Loss Programs
Weight-loss programs often require regular educational meetings (usually weekly) to keep dieters on track and help them to understand what is happened to their bodies as they lose (and gain) weight.
Measurable Results
Many people succeed at weight-loss programs because the requirements and results are firm and measurable. Dieters are given a certain number of calories or "points" to consume each day or week, and get regular weight updates.
Many weight-loss programs promote a group atmosphere, which encourages participants to stay committed to strict dieting plans.
Many people who diet on weight-loss programs return to bad habits after losing weight, creating an unhealthy cycle of dieting.
Full Disclosure
Many weight-loss programs require that each participant get weighed in and reveal his or her actual weight. This can be an embarrassing and stressing experience for some.
Food Cost
Many weight-loss programs make money off of expensive foods that are required for compliance with the plan. The continued costs can be too much for lower- to mid-income participants to bear.