The Benefits of a Heavy Bag Workout
According to, the heavy bag is a stuffed bag made of leather or vinyl, which weighs between 40 and 100 pounds. Used primarily by boxers for building punching power and improving boxing technique, the heavy bag can also contribute to your workout even if you do not box.
You can build up your cardiovascular conditioning while also working your shoulders, arms and back. Try to exert maximum effort for three to five minute spurts, alternating between your strong and weak hand. Attempt to mix up your routine by circling the bag as you punch. This will work your abdominal region and get your heart beating.
Working with the heavy bag may look easy but it can be difficult as you get started. Begin with a partner who can hold the bag in place for you so the bag does not swing back and hurt you.
Wear gloves or wraps when punching the bag. Many bags are filled with sand, which means it can feel like solid rock. So protect yourself and consider using a gel sleeve around the bag for more padding.
Time Frame
Seeing the results of your workout with the heavy bag will take three weeks to a month if you are diligent. Start by doing two or three minutes of straight punches to the bag. Then alternate hands. Do this three times a week and within a month you will see results.