How to Lose 15 Pounds in 5 Weeks
Understand the theory of fat loss by caloric deficit. Write this formula down on a piece of paper: 3500 calories = 1 pound of fat. Three pounds of fat = 3500 x 3 = 10,500 calories. According to this theory, if you create a 10,500-calorie deficit each week for five weeks, you should lose 15 pounds. That equates to a 1,500-calorie deficit each day.
Eliminate all calories from drinks. Depending on how many drinks you have each day, this could cut a pound or two off each week all by itself. For example, a soda has 250 calories, a latte with milk, sugar and syrup has 250 calories, a cosmopolitan has 150 calories and McDonalds sweet tea has 230 cals. The total for these four drinks would be 880 calories. If that's a typical amount of calories from beverages for you, it comes to over 6,000 calories in a week -- nearly 2 pounds worth of calories.
Create the remainder of the caloric deficit -- about 620 calories each day -- by exercising. A 150-pound person can burn about 600 calories in one hour of playing basketball, riding a bike, playing beach volleyball, or using the ski exercise machine. Choose activities that you like and vary them from day to day.