Is Garlic Recommended for Detoxing the Body?
Garlic is useful for its naturally medicinal qualities. The naturally occurring compounds in garlic act as antioxidants. Also, garlic contains a compound that works as an antibiotic and it might be used to help combat high blood pressure and boost the immune system. Garlic is recommended for detoxifying the body because of its myriad health benefits.-
Time Frame
Eating one to two cloves of raw garlic each day (try them finely chopped in salad dressing, hummus or tapenade) will ensure you receive maximum medical effects from it. You might start to notice a difference in your immune system or energy level after about 10 days.
Garlic has been used for its medicinal properties since ancient times. There is evidence of medicinal garlic use in Sanskrit writing, and garlic has been used in Eastern holistic medicine for at least 3,000 years. Garlic was used to prevent gangrene in World War I and World War II.
Crushed, raw garlic contains two powerful compounds. The first is allicin. This compound has antibacterial and antioxidant qualities. The second is diallyl sulphide. This compound boosts the immune system and might play a role in lowering blood pressure.
For maximum detoxifying power, you must keep garlic in its raw form. Once it is heated, the medicinal compounds begin to break down. The longer it is cooked, the less potent its medicinal qualities.
Do not store crushed raw garlic in olive oil at room temperature. In this state, it is subject to the bacterial infection of botulism, which can lead to death in humans.