What to Eat at Breakfast to Lose Weight
Don't Skip Meals
The single most important rule when it comes to breakfast for weight loss is: Eat something. While a healthy, well-balanced meal is preferable, the truth is that you will be better off eating half a toasted bagel, a cereal bar or even a quick pastry than eating nothing at all. By the time you get up in the morning, your body has been without any food for at least six to eight hours, which means it is then running on fumes. If you don't have anything to eat in the first 60 minutes of being awake, your body will start burning off muscle tissue in order to feed itself. This will set off a cycle that will affect your glucose (blood sugar), causing you to crave more sugars (carbohydrates) throughout the day.
Breakfast is the best time to eat carbohydrates, since you will have the rest of the day to burn them off and use them as fuel to keep your body and your brain working. When choosing carbohydrates for weight loss, opt for whole grains with lots of fiber. Oatmeal (no sugar added) is one of the best options, with other cereals and fruits following closely behind. Fiber keeps you full, so you're less likely to overeat later in the day. Stay away from fruit juices, which contain lots of sugars (even natural juices are high in sucrose) and instead eat the whole fruit. Berries are naturally low in sugar, as are watermelon, papaya, peaches and apricots. Bananas, oranges and grapes, on the other hand, contain high levels of sugar and should be avoided when trying to lose weight.
Carbohydrates are better for weight loss when consumed along with a protein. This helps the body level off the sugar consumed and controls appetite. Dairy products may seem the obvious choice for breakfast, except that dairy is usually high in fat and calories. To lower this, choose low-fat products, especially if you're eating cheese, or go from healthier options such as yogurt and eggs. Avoid red meats (bacon is a no-no) and if you're buying something on the go, choose chicken or turkey.
On the Go
For those on the go, there are many options to be found in grocery stores, coffee shops and even fast food restaurants for a healthy breakfast that will help with weight loss. If you're buying prepackaged food, read the list of ingredients and the labels in the back. Ideally, you should be looking for something with less than 10 grams of sugar and 6 grams of fat per serving. Look for hidden sugars as well, such as the presence of high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, honey, sucrose or nectar in the list of ingredients. When eating breakfast at diners, fast food restaurants or cafes, avoid anything with the words breaded, scalloped or au gratin as part of the name. This usually indicates the food is deep-fried and high in fat. Stick to grilled, baked or steamed options. Also, ask for dressings and sauces on the side, so you can control the amount you use. Skip mayo and butter (high in fat and calories) and instead use tomato sauce, mustard or spices to add flavor.
Liquid Calories
One of the best ways to make a breakfast waist-friendly is to skip your morning java. Starbucks may seem like heaven on a Monday morning, and that's fine if you stick to black coffee or an Americano. But other options aren't so great. The Blended Frappuccino Grande has 241 calories, while the Cocoa Grande (low fat) has 433 calories. This is more than half the calories you should be consuming for your whole breakfast and most of them are from sugars. Skip your morning juice, too, and instead have a glass of low-fat milk, or water down the juice (half glass of juice to half glass of water) to reduce the amount of sugars and calories.