How Much Weight Can You Lose by Fasting?

Fasting is a hot topic in health science. Properly conducted and monitored fasting can help you detoxify your body and lose weight. Abusive fasting can confuse your metabolism and cause bloating and dehydration.
  1. Time Frame

    • A beginner should not attempt to fast for more than four days at one time. An experienced faster may take on fasts of 10 days or more. The amount of weight you lose will depend on what type of fast you subscribe to.


    • Fasting has a religious and cultural significance. People fast to celebrate certain holidays or parts of the harvest season. Fasting as an approach to weight loss has gained widespread popularity in the past 10 years.


    • Fasting can help you flush toxins out of your body, releasing chemicals such as pesticides and gastro-intestinal tract build up. Fasting also gives your body a chance to use the energy normally put towards digesting food for other, more restorative biological functions. The first two days of a fast you are not likely to lose much weight, as your body is adjusting to it's new methods of functioning.


    • There are two main types of fasts: juice fasts and water fasts. Juice fasts are more widely accepted because they provide your body with a source of nutrition while avoiding solid food. Most people believe juice fasts are healthier than water fasts. On a juice fast you will lose weight more slowly but it is more likely to stay off.


    • Before beginning a fast you should spend several days eating a diet of raw foods. You should follow the same diet for several days after ending the fast. On a well-conducted juice fast you can expect you lose 3 to 4 lbs. in the first four days, then 2 to 3 lbs. every four days to a week.

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