How to Reduce Water Weight
Be aware of the sodium content in foods and beverages. Stay below 1,000 mg of sodium every day.
Eat less-processed foods. Most processed foods contain a lot of sodium, which increases water weight. Because of fluctuating hormones, women are especially predisposed to gaining water weight when they consume too much sodium.
Eat fresh fruit each day. Fruit is a natural diuretic. Bananas, apricots and raisins are rich in potassium and magnesium, which help reduce water weight.
Eat plenty of vegetables that contain natural diuretics such as tomatoes, carrots, celery, cucumbers and green leafy lettuce.
Choose whole-grain carbohydrates instead of white flour and white sugar. Constipation increases water retention, so eating a diet high in fiber helps reduce water weight.
Increase calcium intake. Take calcium supplements, eat yogurt and drink 1 percent milk. It's best to get calcium from food sources instead of supplements.
Drink up to eight glasses of water every day. If you're drinking diet beverages, switch them with water and ginger or dandelion tea. There is a lot of sodium in most diet drinks, especially sodas.
Exercise. It helps reduce water weight through sweating and increased respiration.