What Is the Safety of Relacore?

Relacore was created as a weight loss supplement by the Carter-Reed Company. The manufacturer claims Relacore can reduce overall body fat, especially in the abdominal area, which is the most dangerous place to have an accumulation of body fat.
  1. Function

    • Relacore's makers claim it helps reduce the stress hormone cortisol, with the combination of diet and exercise.


    • If used properly and in combination with a healthier lifestyle, the use of Relacore will result in a loss of belly fat, according to the supplement's proponents.


    • Regardless of the claims Relacore has made as to its effectiveness, no significant studies have confirmed them. This product also has not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


    • Without significant studies made as to its effectiveness and without FDA approval of this product, Relacore may not work for you. It is important to discuss Relacore, or any other weight loss supplement with extravagant claims, with your physician before you make a decision.


    • Relacore has been known to have serious side effects that include hypertension, dizziness, headaches and other uncomfortable ailments, so you should check with your doctor before using this product.

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