How to Tone Loose Skin
Tone it Up
Get a fitness assessment, usually free, at your local gym to determine your body fat percentage. This will help you know the difference between real loose skin and body fat. Sometimes excess fat underlying the skin can cause it to giggle and shake, which can sometimes be mistaken for loose skin.
Train with weights at least four times a week, alternating major muscle groups each day. For example, Monday and Wednesday, try doing lower-body sculpting. This will include calfs, thighs and glutes. Tuesday and Thursday, shoot for upper body, arms, shoulders, back and chest. Abs are the only muscle group that can be worked out daily.
Replenish your skin's elasticity. The skin has a remarkable ability to stretch and shrink; using skin firming lotions and creams may be beneficial in tightening up the skin.
Eat raw fruits and veggies. Try to stay away from foods that are high in fat and calorie content. Eat six small meals a day, instead of three large meals. Some foods such as avocado, coconut and cucumber can improve the elasticity of the skin.
Remember how long it took you to lose the weight and allow yourself double that time for your skin to bet back to its original form.