Does Water Boost Metabolism?

Water can boost your metabolism and aid in weight loss. This happens because many of the hunger pangs that you experience are really not hunger pangs but thirst. Below are some facts about water and how it raises your metabolism.
  1. Research

    • Research has shown that within 10 minutes of drinking a pint of water, the metabolism increases by as much as 30 percent. Other drinks did not show the same effect.

    Calculating How Much Water to Drink

    • Calculating how much water you should drink, is easy just take your weight divide it by two and that is how many ounces of water you drink. For example if you weigh 200 lbs., follow the equation: 200 / 2 =100. So you should drink 100 oz.

    The Effects

    • If you drink the recommended amount of water after the calculation, without even changing your diet, after a year you should have lost 5 lbs.

    Drink in the Morning

    • The best results have been shown if you drink the water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

    Weight Loss

    • If you drink the calculated water amount based on your weight, and add exercise to your diet three times a week, your metabolism will increase even more.

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