How to Lose Five Pounds in One Week
Boost up your cardio. If you haven't started, start now. It will take at least 30 minutes of cardio every day for the entire week to see results by the final day. So try breaking down your workout one day by doing 10 minutes of fast-paced cardio sandwiched in between an ab routines, leg workouts and strength training. With this interval method, your results will be noticeable.
Skip all white grain foods during this time. You body just worked off 400 calories with your workout and eating two servings of pasta or bread during the week will bring it all back. Try substituting your simple carbohydrates for veggies, so that all sandwiches become salads instead.
Hydrate yourself to no end. Water is a great way to flush out excess water poundage from the system. It is also a good idea to only stick to water at the gym, instead of sports drinks. Sports drinks contain carbohydrates and actually lead the body into retaining water, making you bloat.
Leave the dairy alone. Dairy accounts for quite a bit of fat in the body. During this week, do not indulge in cheeses, milk, or ice cream and you'll notice a slim-down.
Drink coffee in the morning before your workout. If you can't avoid everything but water, allow coffee to be your second drink of choice in the mornings. In small servings only, coffee will boost your workout and wake up a sleepy metabolism.