How to Lose Weight by Eating Multiple Small Meals Daily
Eat every 2 to 3 hours. You can lose weight and increase your metabolism by eating several small meals daily. Your body will continue to burn calories as you constantly fuel it with food. In addition, keeping your blood sugar steady will decrease cravings that may result due to extreme hunger (see Resources section).
Plan ahead. Eating several meals daily will require planning. Preparing for the meals in advance will allow you to be ready when hunger strikes. Make a list of healthy items that can be quickly packed or prepared. Low-fat string cheese, yogurt, dried fruits and nuts, and deli meats with whole-grain bread are options.
Think snacks. It may take some time adjusting to the smaller portions, especially if your former eating habits were drastically different and portion sizes were much larger. Perhaps these small meals look like snacks. Though your dietary needs will vary, aiming to eat around 300 calories four to five times daily may be a guideline.
Choose protein and fiber. While eating small meals consistently will stave off cravings, eating quality meals is best. You can do this by choosing protein and fiber, which are useful for slowing digestion and keeping you satisfied.
Drink plenty of water with small meals. Replacing soda and other calorie-laden drinks will decrease the number of calories you consume. In addition, your body's signal for thirst may be confused with hunger and may cause you to eat when you are thirsty. Consuming plenty of water will also assist with weight loss by helping flush fat and toxins from your body.