How to Lose Weight After a Depo Shot
Things You'll Need
- Notebook
- Multi-Vitamin Pills
- B12 Vitamins Pills
Lose Weight After a Depo Provera Shot
Increase your exercise to burn fat and lose weight after a Depo Provera shot. By starting an exercise regimen or stepping up an existing exercise routine, you can burn off many excess calories you have taken in and burn off fat that has accumulated on your body.
Keep a food diary. If you are still taking the Depo Provera shots, this will help to insure that you are indeed not taking in more calories. Many women report that they gained the weight without changing their diets. If you feel this is the case, then a food diary will show if whether that is true or not. Don't forget to include all snacks and alcoholic drinks in your food diary. All you need is a simple notebook to write down what you eat and the portion size.
Always eat breakfast. Breakfast stimulates your metabolism first thing in the morning and sets the table for the whole day. If you skip breakfast, your metabolism will drop and your body will begin to hold back energy production and store any excess calories as fat. Eat a healthy breakfast that contains proteins and fruits, but is still low in fat.
Eat smaller meals and eat more often throughout the day to lose weight after a Depo Provera shot. This will help to serve two purposes. First, it helps to improve your metabolism, as eating gives it a boost. Secondly, eating more often throughout the day can help to cut back on binge eating as it keeps you from getting really hungry and eating a meal that is too large for one sitting.
You must drink plenty of water. Water helps to flush out your system and keep all aspects and systems of your body running smoothly. It also aids in the regulation of your metabolism, helping you to continue to burn calories throughout the day at a higher rate.
Supplement your diet with vitamins. To make sure your body is getting all the nutrients necessary to run smoothly, you may want to consider a multivitamin and a B12 supplement. Vitamin B12 helps to increase your metabolism and getting the necessary vitamins and minerals each day can help to regulate all body processes including metabolism.