How to Work a Taylor 7532 Scale
Check the battery. The Taylor 7532 battery is a long-life battery that will last the average user several months of regular use. When you first purchase your scale, remove any plastic wrap protecting the battery. If plastic wrap remains around the battery, the scale will not work.
Be within the scale's weight range. For the Taylor 7532 bathroom scale to work, the user must not exceed 400 pounds of body weight. If your latest visit to the doctor showed your weight to exceed this limit, the scale will not work properly. Stepping on the scale if you exceed the weight limit could break it and render it useless to anyone else.
Keep the scale clean and dry. Although the Taylor 7532 scale can tolerate regular bathroom steam, it cannot be wet. For this reason, you should not weigh yourself after your bath or shower until you have thoroughly dried off.
Step on to see your weight. Unlike most digital bathroom scales, you do not need to tap and wait before stepping onto the Taylor 7532 bathroom scale. To see your weight, step onto it, and your weight will immediately be indicated in the digital read-out window.