How to Make Lunch Your Largest Meal & Lose Weight
Start a food journal. No matter what meal is your largest, you will need to track the foods you consume. Free online programs like FitDay and Spark People allow you to easily access your journal from anywhere.
Plan your meals in advance. Sit down on the weekend and make a list of what you want to eat each day. This can help you create a shopping list and prepare things in advance so they are ready during the week.
Focus on fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats. If you are eating more calories during the lunch meal, you want to make sure that they are filling, nutritious calories.
Eat one to two snacks. Having a small snack an hour or two before lunch or dinner will prevent you from feeling like you are starving when you sit down for the meal.
Have lunch sitting down at a table. If you eat lunch in the car or sitting at your desk working, you will not be concentrating on what you are eating. Mindless eating can result in more hunger later. Your largest meal of the day needs to be one that you are focused on.
Incorporate more physical activity into your day. If you don't feel like you have enough time to workout, try parking your car further away or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.