How to Lose Tummy Fat Now
Once you start to lose body fat then you will lose tummy fat that's how it works. The best time to begin is now! Don't put it off another minute, because the longer you wait the more weight you gain. Therefore, if you wait you only make it harder on yourself. Why do that?
This is the mistake many people make; they think they need to have an elaborate diet plan and an appointment at the fitness center to begin a weight loss plan. However, this only hinders them, they need to start a plan right this minute and vow the next meal is where it begins.
Instead of it being a big deal just set a couple of doable goals. For example, set a goal of eating 1200 calories for two days or drinking only water for 1 day. It doesn't have to be all encompassing for you to start. When people do this it's too hard and they give up.
As you go the goals should become more challenging, but not so that you are overwhelmed. Once you have a healthier eating plan started then you add more activity. Just as you did before set a couple of doable goals like walking for 30 minutes 2 days a week, then gradually increase the time and days.
The long term goal is to eat 1200-1500 calories a day and exercise 3-5 days a week for 60 minutes. The reason you increase intensity is because it's the intensity that burns calories and helps lose tummy fat. If you add weight training you can lose faster as muscle burns more fat. Not to mention, it helps to achieve better tone.
Of course, you will never get there if you don't begin that's why its not a good idea to wait. After you get started it becomes easier to add on, because you build endurance. Within 3 months you should be able to lose 20 pounds or more if you're consistent and don't give up.
One way to increase intensity is by interval training. The way you do this is to increase intensity for a few minutes then decrease it and alternate back and forth throughout the routine. Interval training can be the bridge that takes you to a level of intensity you didn't think possible.
This is where you really begin to lose overall body fat which naturally helps lose tummy fat as well. After you lose fat then you can see the muscle underneath. When you see muscle then you get excited about the progress being made and it motivates you to work harder.
Your body can be totally transformed in a matter of 3 months if you start today, right now, and not wait for the tomorrow that never comes.