How to Lose Weight Quickly and Somewhat Easily
Things You'll Need
- Time and dedication and/or patience
- maybe a different job
- Discipline
- Possibly the internet
- Possibly some sort of workout equipment or video
- Maybe permanent marker and paper
Okay, so you want to lose weight quickly and easily. Well, to some extent that is possible. However, that statement, in a way, is an oxymoron. Before you get started with losing weight, you must first decide which is more important, speed or ease. For example, if you are more determined to lose weight quickly, then you would put in more time and effort into losing weight. If you don't want to or can't put forth more time and effort, or if ease is your goal, then you probably won't lose weight as quickly as someone who puts forth more time and effort.
Next you should determine what you are willing to try for weight loss. You should know if you are willing to diet and exercise or if you will just exercise or if diet is all you are willing to do. Results will increase when you pair better eating (not necessarily dieting) with exercise. However, if you are like me and many other people I know, dieting can actually cause you to quit your weight loss efforts entirely when you find that once again you can not stick to your diet. For that reason I suggest merely altering your meals rather than cutting things out entirely. I will get to that in more detail in a following step.
Once you have decided which is top priority, time or effort, and have decided if you will change your diet and/or exercise, it is a good idea for you to go to your regular doctor first to talk over your planned method of weight loss. Some people (for instance people with heart problems) should not strain themselves too much, so going with the speed method of weight loss would probably not be the best idea.
Assuming your doctor has not outlawed diet and exercise, you are ready for the next step. This step is planning your weight loss. Write out (in permanent marker for motivation) what you plan to do or are willing to do to lose the weight. Keep this page as motivation but do not view it as set rules you have to follow. This could cause you to get frustrated if you mess up or miss a day and then that frustration can cause you to quit completely.
Now, if you chose ease as your preferred type of weight loss, you should simply increase the level of your everyday activity. Park further away when going to the grocery store or work, take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc. For more detailed information on the easy method of weight loss, see my article How to Lose Weight Before Summer Without Trying Hard at All in the resources section below. Even if it is summer already whenever you read it, the methods will work the same.
If you chose the quick method, then you must be willing to put in the time and effort to lose the weight quickly. For example, instead of just increasing your daily activity by parking further away like the people focused on ease, you should try to also work out almost every day. I have found that a Monday, Wednesday, Friday high intensity interval training method seems to really boost the speed of weight loss. On Tuesday and Thursday, I would suggest not doing the high intensity interval training but instead do weights/toning. Working out for an hour a day would be the minimum I would suggest for quick weight loss. To speed weight loss even more, I suggest multiple hours a day but the extra hours would be best served doing things like speed walking or pilates, non-interval aerobic or toning activities. Bottom line is the more effort and time you put into losing weight, the quicker it happens. If you don't believe me, look at all those celebrities (but not for to long as they are bad examples ;). Only people who's job is to look good get to work out for a living, spending all day every day with their live-in personal trainers. This is why they have their bodies back into the shape it was before they have babies or even better only a month after childbirth.
The last thing is dieting, or as I like to call it, eating healthier. I don't believe in dieting necessarily because too many diets are either fad diets that don't work or make you unhealthy or they limit you too much in which case you are only setting yourself up for failure. I suggest that you still eat the types of food you like only find ways of making them healthier. For example, instead of fried chicken, try a baked chicken with a corn flake crust. It is much more healthy but can still have flavor and crunch just like the fried chicken. Or if you frequent fast food restaurants, then just forget to large-size it, skip the soda and ask for tea or water instead, and instead of that double quarter pounder, lets try just the regular quarter pounder this time. Who knows, maybe next time you can work yourself down to the regular cheeseburger and side salad. It may not seem like much but sometimes that's all it takes, those few calories when cut off of every meal really add up. Imagine if you cut merely 120 calories (that's like one can of pop) out of breakfast lunch and dinner each day, in 10 days you will have lost a pound and that is not including working out. Plus, when your body gets the nutrients it needs by eating healthier, it actually burns the fat more efficiently aiding in the weight loss process. For more info on eating healthier, check out my other articles.