How to Become More Flexible
The number one way to make your body more flexible is to start a daily routine of stretching. This will ultimately strengthen and elongate your muscles. You must warm up & cool down before and after stretching. Walk in place for five minutes for beginning to stretch. This will lubricate your joints and muscles.
Start off slow, and progress into more challenging stretches as you get better. It's best to hold one stretch for at least 30 seconds to a minute. Simple exercises are best to start off with.
You should be stretching on a regular daily basis to get the more results in your flexibility. Work at it progressively. Start off by stretching in the mornings and progress to also stretching at night. This will also help you sleep better.
Once you have warmed up to stretching for a month or so, try practicing yoga. This is a great way to improve your flexibility. Yoga will elongate your muscles as well as strengthen your muscles.
If you have no clue how to practice yoga, there are millions of instructional books and DVDS to teach you the moves. Check your local library or even Amazon for books and DVDs on the subject.
Incorporate stretching into your daily activities. If you work in an office, try stretching every hour or so when sitting. When you are cleaning at home, stop and stretch in the middle of you're cleaning tasks. If you're walking your dog, take a minute to stretch your leg muscles. Keep doing this daily, and soon you will do it without thinking about it.
Follow all these steps above, and you will eventually start to see the difference in the way your muscles react to activities. I have provided links in resources below for stretching exercises you can follow.