How to Improve The Look of Your face for Men and Women
Things You'll Need
- water
- Virgin Coconut Oil
- fruits
Getting rid of a double chin. It's frustrating, when you are rather thin, yet you have a chubby face. If you're content in this look, hey, nothing wrong with it. Not to say a heavier face isn't attractive. Anyway, sit in your chair. Then tilt your head back, looking up at the ceiling. With your lips closed, start making a chewing motion. Do this 100 times each day. In a few weeks you should know a slight difference. I started doing this for a year, and now I've notice a different in my skin and even bone structure. The results were wonderful. I'm no longer insecure over the structure of my face.
Making your skin tighter and establish more of a cheek bone. With your lips closed, sitting on a chair, suck in your cheeks. Suck them in 100 times, with your lips completely closed. Do this daily.
Getting your skin tighter around your jaw line. This is a great way to get a firmer jaw. There are two things you can do. One, try to take your tongue, and stick it on the end of your nose a few times. Second one, sitting on a chair, keep your mouth shut and try to lower your chin. Do this with your lips tight. This is a great way to really tighten your skin up around your jaw and below the jaw line.
Wash your face with very cold water. Be brave here, but this does work! Does anyone remember the late Paul Newman(R.I.P.), who constantly would wash his face in ice water? Well, Paul Newman had that fabulous face for so many years for a reason. This is anti-aging, which will prevent wrinkles. This was Paul Newman's secret, cold water is extremely good for the skin. It will tighten it up as well. You can be 40, and have the face of a 30 year old!
Put Virgin Coconut Oil on your face. There's no healthier or better oil for your skin, than Virgin Coconut Oil. Some people are starting to call me coconut.
Drink a lot of water. Water is very healthy for your face and skin in general. It flushes out toxins and gives your skin a natural look.
Eat fruits. Don't eat a lot of greasy foods. Eat more fruits and vegetables. You need to get the proper vitamins into your system. Avoid a lot of salt.
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