Super Fast Fat Burning Foods
Soy Products
Soy products such as tofu have isoflavones. These phyto-nutrients (plant chemicals) help break down fat inside the body at a faster rate than non-soy products.
Citrus fruits such as grapefruit contain vitamin C, pectin and galacturonic acid, all of which aid in breaking down fat cells and decreasing cholesterol levels.
Apples elevate blood sugar safely, which helps maintain metabolism. When blood sugar levels are too high, fat is not broken down properly in the body.
Dairy Products
Dairy products, such as low-fat yogurt, milk and cheese, help burn fat. The calcium found in dairy products contributes to weight loss by breaking down fat cells.
Asparagus contains fat-fighting vitamins and also helps with the body's water absorption. When the body absorbs water, fat deposits are released faster from the body.