How to Lose Weight When You Are Elderly
Things You'll Need
- Vitamin and mineral supplements
Every day drink at least 8 glasses of water. This will flush out the system and remove toxins. It will also leave you feeling full so you will eat less. In addition to water, drink fruit and vegetable juices, which are healthy fluids.
Eat small meals four to six times a day. The metabolism slows down when the body only gets three large meals a day. The long hours between meals puts the body into starvation mode; to protect against this, the body reduces the metabolic rate so that food is processed more slowly. By eating small meals more frequently, the metabolic rate remains high.
Eat fewer fats and carbohydrates. While these nutrients are important to the diet, try to eat good fats or good carbohydrates. Eat less junk food, and more fruits and vegetables. Try to eat organic foods if possible, which are healthier because they have fewer toxins, like preservatives. If you eat too many carbohydrates each day and don't use them as fuel, the excess carbs are stored as fat. This is especially detrimental if you have a sedentary lifestyle which requires less energy.
Vitamins and minerals are necessary for various processes of the body, so take multivitamin and multimineral supplements. If you are on medication, check with your doctor to find the best ones for your needs.
Exercise as often as you can. Just because you are elderly does not mean you cannot exercise. There are low-impact exercise classes available that are designed just for senior citizens, and some exercises can be done while sitting in a chair. Walking is always good; water aerobics reduces strain on the joints. Exercise is a great way to burn off fat and gets your heart pumping, thus strengthening it. If you have not exercised in a long time or have medical conditions, consult with your doctor before starting an exercise program.