How to Lose 20 Pounds - Before Your Wedding Day
Here is a list of tried and true ways to lose 20 pounds quickly before your wedding day!
---No Salt...Please---
Cutting back on your sodium intake every day, is a great way to start. We only need a little bit of salt in our diet to help our body to function. Excessive salt makes us bloat. It also makes us more thirsty and hungry. Look at the ingredients list of foods when shopping at the grocery store. There is usually extra salt in soups, packaged foods, and drinks.
A few weeks or months before the "Big Day" join an aerobics class. Anything that moves your arms and legs will get your heart to pumping faster. When your heart pumps faster, you burn off calories. Dance, step aerobics, kick-boxing, and cardio exercise groups are great ways to lose weight FAST!
---Accountability Partner---
Find an accountability partner that will be there for you every day. Ask your best friend or mother to support your weight loss efforts. Make sure your partner will ask you if you are exercising and will encourage you to meet your diet goals. Better yet, maybe your buddy can join you at the gym. You should motivate each other through this process.
---Fruits and Vegetables---
Increase the amount of fresh fruit and veggies in your diet. Try to focus on the foods in the produce section of the store. These are filling foods that cut back on hunger pangs.
---Cabbage Soup---
My friends have tried this and swear by it. If you have to lose weight in a short time for an upcoming event, try it. It is more widely known as the Cabbage Soup Diet. Google it to learn more specifics. You can EASILY lose 10-12 pounds in one week. It is not a long-term solution, but rather a quick fix.
---Drink H20---
Water is a good way to flush toxins from your body and skin. It will also help you lose weight if you drink at least 8 glasses a day. Add 1 teaspoon of psyllium seed powder to your water once a day. Psyllium is a known appetite suppressant.
Avoid caffeinated soda, tea, and coffee.
Studies in recent years have shown that almonds curb hunger in a natural way. Include these unsalted nuts in your own healthy version of a trail mix. Snack on the almond mixture 1-2 times a day.