What Is Hoodia Used For?
Hoodia is a flowering cactus-like plant that grows in Africa. Natives of the Kalahari African dessert, where Hoodia flourishes, have long used the plant to stem their hunger pains while on long hunting trips. The appetite-suppressant properties have made Hoodia a popular weight-loss supplement. However, experts at the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) say that there are no scientific studies that prove the veracity of any weight-loss claims.-
In addition to the dried roots and stems used to make Hoodia supplements, manufacturers often include other ingredients, such as green tea and chromium picolinate, to further weight loss possibilities.
Side Effects
The NCCAM reports no known harmful side effects to Hoodia. The herb may react adversely with other medications, however, so a physician should be advised when a patient is taking Hoodia.
Anecdotal Results
Hundreds of reports exist that praise Hoodia's appetite-suppressant qualities. Carefully inspect the labels of supplements first, though, because many products that claim to have Hoodia in them do not actually contain any of the plant.
The Best Hoodia
The only Hoodia species that is used by the Bushmen in Africa is the Gordoni Hoodia; it is peeled and ground into powder.
Take an average of 400 mg three times a day to get the most benefit from Hoodia.
A 3-month supply of quality Hoodia supplements costs between $125 and $155.