How to Lose Weight and Be Healthy - 50 pounds in 6 months
All you have to do is follow the weight loss tips listed below. You will lose weight quickly and easily by doing these steps.
Things You'll Need
- A Little Determination
- Some Willpower
- The Right Attitude
Pace Yourself.
Eat very slowly during your meals. This will help you lose weight. It takes your stomach at least 15-20 minutes to know that it is full. Most people eat in 10 minutes of less. Perhaps set a timer or watch the clock the first few times. Cut food up into little pieces and teach yourself to take tiny bites.
Drink lots and lots of water!
It may not be always be easy. However, this step is very important in flushing out the toxins from your body. In addition, water will fill you up and will cut back on hunger. Drink at least 8-10 glasses every day to maximize your weight loss results.
Caffeine (i.e., sodas, tea, coffee, etc.) deprives your body of the hydration that it needs. Avoid it when you can.
Eat healthy snacks.
Buy fresh fruits and veggies at the grocery or health food store. Fresh produce do not have the sodium and do not contain processed sugars and preservatives. You should stay away from dried items because they may have had extras (salt and such) added prior to packaging.
Some examples of good snacks are the following: seedless grapes, strawberries, carrots with reduced cal/reduced fat dressing, oranges,
cucumbers, and sauteed mushrooms on a small potato. -
Avoid eating most bread products.
Most people think that bread is healthy, especially when it is made of whole-grain. Although that may be true...bread swells in your stomach. Because bread contains fiber, it makes you feel full. However, it stretches your stomach and makes it bigger. If you avoid eating breads (i.e., sandwiches and rolls) for a few months...your stomach will naturally get smaller!!! Therefore, when you eat, you will get satisfied faster. This is an important step to losing 50 pounds in 6 months.