How to Get Fit After 40
The most important way to get fit after 40 is to have a positive attitude and believe you can get into excellent shape. Use positive reinforcement throughout the day, and convince yourself that you are already in good shape. See yourself fit. Imagine your muscles toned, your stomach flat, and your legs muscular and shapely. Constantly convince yourself that you crave healthy foods. Write down things like, I am fit, toned, and beautiful or handsome. I eat and crave healthy foods. Continuous positive reinforcement is proven to help manifest the realities of what your mind believes. It's easier than you think to convince your mind of something by using continuous reinforcement.
To get fit after 40, make sure to follow a healthy food plan. The high-carbohydrate Western diet has changed the way our bodies metabolize sugary and white flour foods. Many people who are over thirty-five suffer from metabolic carbohydrate failure, so their bodies cannot metabolize carbohydrates like they did in their teens and twenties. A diet high in protein and complex carbohydrates will help reduce the effects of metabolic carbohydrate failure. Find a diet that works well for you and helps you stay at an optimum weight.
Exercise at least an hour a day five or more times a week to get fit after 40. Since our bodies begin to tend to lose muscle with age, it's important to make weight lifting a part of a daily exercise plan. Many high profile celebrities who are over 40 and in excellent shape say they work out regularly. Most work out for at least two hours a day doing both aerobic and anaerobic exercises. According to scientists, people at any age can increase muscle mass by working out. Make a goal to change your lifestyle, and you will change your life for the better.
Ask your doctor about what kinds of vitamins and supplements you should be taking to stay fit after 40. People over 40 become more prone to age related diseases. By eating healthy, staying fit, and taking supplements, you can reduce the odds of getting age related diseases.