How to Get Rid of Love Handles Fast
Things You'll Need
- Comfortable place to exercise, such as a carpeted room or a floor mat.
- Workout clothes of your choice.
Lose weight as a first step. If you have access weight, begin a healthy eating plan that will help you attain your ideal weight. There are many charts available online and through your doctor that will give you a range of weights that are best for your height and build. Until you attack the problem of extra weight, getting rid of love handles can be impossible. It just isn't possible to get rid of love handles in a week! If you are already within your ideal weight range, move on to the next step.
Do crunches. Crunches will start to tone your midsection and get you into shape. A crunch is performed by laying flat on your back on the floor. Place your arms under your head and plant your feet on the floor with knees bent. Raise your head and shoulders off the floor toward your knees. Be careful not to pull your head with your arms. Repeat this motion in small bursts for the most impact. If anything hurts, you should stop immediately and consult a physician. You might, however, feel a slight heat or "burn" in your stomach muscles.
Perform twisting crunches. These are similar to a crunch, but begin lying with your feet straight out and legs flat on the floor. As you raise up, begin to lift your left knee off the floor and bend toward your chest. At the same time, raise your shoulders off the floor and twist your right arm toward the left knee. Repeat with the other side. This is one of the best ways to get rid of love handles and belly fat.
Complete standing torso (or trunk) twists. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Twist to the right and punch with your left arm. Twist to the left and punch with your right arm. Repeat at least ten times on each side. This exercise works well for men and women. The time it takes to get rid of love handles for men and the time it takes to get rid of love handles for women can be very different.