High-Protein Diet Symptoms
Halitosis, or "bad breath," may be a symptom that your body is producing toxic ketones, which can have a number of adverse health effects, such as disrupting your body's acid-base balance.
High protein diets usually discourage the intake of high-fiber foods that help your body eliminate waste. Because of this, constipation and irritable bowel syndrom can result.
Signified by dry mouth, thirst, headaches, rapid weight loss, dizziness, low urination, or rapid heart beat, dehydration is a common and dangerous symptom of high protein diets.
Loss of muscle glycogen, dehydration, and a lack of fuel in the form of carbohydrates and sugars can result in low energy, difficulty in moving and muscular atrophy.
Uric acid in the bloodstream from a high protein diet can cause a painful swelling and inflammation of the joints known as gout.