How to Lose Weight Easily Counting Calories
To lose weight easily counting calories, first figure out how many calories your body burns each day without exercise. If you're a female take your weight times ten plus your actual weight. For example if you weigh 140 lbs, 140 x 10 equals 1400. Take 1400 plus 140, which equals 1540. You need 1540 calories a day to break even without any activity. Men, take your body weight times ten and then add twice your weight. Both men and women can add another 20 to 30 percent for regular activity throughout the day doing things like everyday walking, cleaning, and working.
Use multiplication to count calories. Counting calories is also a simple way to lose weight by multiplying your weight by an activity level. If you're sedentary, count your calories by multiplying your weight by 14. A 100 pound inactive person breaks even by consuming 1400 calories a day. If you're moderately active, multiply your weight by 17. So, a 100 pound moderately active person burns 1700 calories a day. If you're very active, multiply your weight by 29. For example, if you weigh 100 pounds you will burn 2900 calories a day. Calculating calories to lose weight is simple math. Eat less than total calories burned each day, and you will lose weight easily.
Use simple addition to count calories. One pound of fat equals 3500 calories. If you burn 3000 calories a day and eat 3500 calories a day, you have 500 extra calories each day that will show up on your scale as weight gain. Do this for seven days, and you will have gained a pound. If you eat 2500 calories a day and burn 3000 calories a day, you should lose one pound in a week. It's simple to lose weight easily by using math and counting calories.
Track exercise calories and add these calories burned to your total daily calories. For example, if you work out at a gym, the exercise machines will usually tell you how many calories you have burned. If not, just do a Google search. If you burn 500 calories on the stair-stepper, add the calories to your total daily amount. If you burn a total of 2000 calories a day with exercise, and only eat 1500 calories, your body should lose 500/3500 pound. That's 1/7 of a pound. Exercise is a great way to improve your health and to lose weight easily.