How to Burn Butt Fat Fast
Things You'll Need
- Sneakers
Start off with your legs together. Bend at the knee, making sure that your knees don't go over your toes. Sitting as far down as you can each time. Do 2 sets of 30 squats.
Move your legs hips' length apart. With your legs in ballet second position (pointed outward and open) begin to squat again. Sitting as far down as you can each time. Do 2 sets of 30 squats.
Begin with your feet together and take a long step forward. Step as far down as you can with your right leg (in a moving lunge) and bring your left leg to meet it. Continue to move across the room for 20 large steps and then turn around and move back to the other side of the room.
Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 one more time and rest.
Pay attention to your diet. None of this will work if you don't. That means watching your calories daily and making sure that you are also getting a balanced diet.