How to Lose Weight Fast With No Pills or Equipment

Losing weight can be quite challenging. This is especially true if you don't own any exercise equipment. Due to the complexity of losing weight without the proper equipment, many men and women become tempted by the idea of using diet pills. Such pills can be ineffective and even dangerous, however. Luckily, there are a number of things that one can do to lose weight without using diet pills or equipment.


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      Make healthy improvements to your diet. Instead of eating French fries, eat a salad. Replace the ingredients in recipes that you already enjoy to make them healthier. Increase the amount of fruits, vegetables and whole grains that you eat. Reduce the amount of foods that are high in fat and sugars.

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      Take daily multivitamin and fiber supplements. Vitamins A, C and D are all believed to promote weight loss. Calcium and iron are also known to be essential keys to weight loss. Fiber is known to promote weight loss because it keeps the body feeling full, so it will be likely to prevent hunger. Omega-3, which can be found in both nuts and fish, is also known to aid in weight loss.

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      Develop a regular exercise schedule for yourself. Thirty minutes of aerobic exercise at least four times a week is ideal. Be sure to take part in activities that you really enjoy. Most people enjoy swimming, dancing, yoga, jogging and riding a bike. Also be sure to fit some muscle strength and endurance exercises into your exercise schedule.

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      Keep a food journal. Write down all of the foods that you eat every day. Try to list the amount of calories and fat that each food has. In addition to the health aspects of each food, be sure to record the mood that you were in when you ate it. This will help you discover what your emotional eating habits are and will allow you to change them in the future.

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      Make simple lifestyle changes that will promote weight loss. Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible. Find a spot in the parking lot that is farther away from where you would normally park. After work or on weekends, find ways to get outdoors. Go for a walk in the park with the dog or your children, go on a hike, ride a bicycle or do some yard work.

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