How to Speed Up a Slow Metabolism

There are several ways for people to speed up a slow metabolism. If you're feeling sluggish and having a difficult time losing weight, a slow metabolism may be to blame.

Follow the steps below to speed up a slow metabolism.


    • 1

      Eat a high protein breakfast to speed up a slow metabolism. People who eat breakfast within an hour after waking are leaner and weigh less than people who skip morning meals. By eating breakfast, you'll burn 5% more calories all throughout the day. Choose a high-protein breakfast like eggs, and you'll also be less hungry at lunch time than those who only eat a high carbohydrate breakfast. Boil a few eggs the night before, and have a quick morning meal to speed up your metabolism all day.

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      Speed up a sluggish metabolism by lifting weights for twenty minutes every other day. Even lifting just five pound weights for a few minutes will increase calorie and fat burning up for hours afterward. Lifting weights increases lean muscle mass. Having more muscle helps people burn more calories all during the day.

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      Drink green tea, oolong tea, and cold water. Sipping these drinks throughout the day will rev up a slow metabolism for approximately an hour after drinking. Add a lemon and boost a sluggish metabolism even more.

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      Take a vitamin C supplement to speed up a slow metabolism. People need vitamin C to produce carnitine, an amino acid necessary to burn fat. Take up to 2,000 mg of vitamin C daily, and increase your metabolism.

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      Eat foods that balance your brain's four neurochemicals like poultry, low-fat dairy, eggs, olive oil, fish, oatmeal, beans, soybeans, and brown rice. These foods help regulate dopamine, acetylcholine, GABA, and serotonin levels. When the chemicals in your brain are balanced, your body is able to regulate weight efficiently and speed up a slow metabolism.

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      Eat spicy foods to speed up a slow metabolism. Green chili and red pepper will help speed up a slow metabolism for about 30 minutes after consumption.

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      Make sure to get enough sleep to speed up a slow metabolism. Get at least seven hours a sleep each night, and your body will burn extra calories throughout the day.

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      Eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day to speed up a slow metabolism. Eating smaller meals throughout the day that include protein will keep blood sugar levels from spiking and falling.

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