How to Lose Weight by Knowing the Factors of Fat : Free Knowledge
Think about Genetics: A number of scientific researches and studies have concluded that a person's genetic factors play important role in a person being obese and thus accumulate fat. But it is quite possible that obesity might run in the family due to poor lifestyle on part of parents. Hence, it is difficult to conclusively say that genetics is responsible for accumulation of fat though it is a contributory factor. Children of obese people are going to be fat, sooner or later.
Think about Social factors : Fat accumulation and obesity can be a result of social factors. The type of society a person lives in defines his eating habits. These might include rituals and customs that prevent certain type of food from being consumed and encourage consumption of other.
Think about the Financial factor: It is a well-known fact that financial status contributes immensely towards fat accumulation. A rich person tends to eat foods rich in oil and fat. Moreover, he is likely to have a lifestyle that encourages sedentary habits. This can result in fat accumulation. But a person having less money to spend generally selects his food carefully and adds green leafy vegetables and grain protein to his diet. He also tends to be more active preferring to walk instead of using a car or other mode of conveyance to save money. Thus, he is likely to accumulate less or no fat. Sometimes on the extremely poor side, people neglect their diets and eat very unhealthy fatty foods because they tend to be the cheapest of all.
Don't forget about Personal habits : Personal habits are major contributors to fat accumulation. Sedentary lifestyles, excess alcohol intake, consuming fast food, smoking, excess intake of caffeine and eating at odd hours can result in obesity and fat accumulation. Combine these factors with lack of exercise and you have a deadly combination which can result in fat accumulation and requires greater attention.