How to Easily Help Your Family Lose Weight Fast
Be Passionate.
You must be passionate about your quest to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. You must be passionate about exercising daily. You must be passionate about what you will and will not eat. Prayerfully, your passion will rub off on your family. -
Be Prayerful.
Truly this is the first step. When you have a passion for something you pray about it. When you realize how an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise is slowly killing your family you pray about it. You know that you and the entire family need to change their lifestyle you pray about it. Pray that family change to a healthy lifestyle just like you pray for their salvation. It is. -
Be Vulnerable.
Sometimes our passion can be mistaken for cockiness. No one will follow you or truly change if you are cocky, arrogant and know it all. Be humble and vulnerable and let them know you need them. It worked on me. -
Be Talkative.
You have to let people know the importance of eating a healthy diet. You have to let people know that they must exercise daily to save their lives. You need to tell people why you are so passionate. I believe that heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity can be prevented. I believe my father, grandmother, father in law, step father and numerous friends would have all lived longer if they would have simply eaten more fresh fruit and raw vegetables and exercised daily. I do tell everyone and they know I am passionate about it. -
Be Inclusive.
Do things to include your family in your quest to lose weight. Ask them to go for a walk with you in the evening. Fix them a fresh cup of juice every morning. Share with them the book you are reading and discuss some of the important points. In any way you can think of include your family. -
You are passionate, prayerful, vulnerable, talkative and inclusive. You have done everything you can think of. Now Beg. Your Prayer will be answered but you have to step out on faith. Sometimes that means Beg.
it is that important.