Meal Replacement Drinks for Weight Loss
The main function of a weight-loss drink is to get a healthy meal that is quick, easy and filled with a blend of nutrients to satisfy hunger, curb your appetite and increase energy.
Meal-replacement drinks come in a few varieties. There are high-protein drinks, balanced drinks, high-fiber versions and all-in-ones. The all-in-one drink is engineered to have a balance of multivitamins, antioxidants and digestive enzymes. They generally also have a balanced ratio of protein, carbohydrates and fat, with a generous amount of fiber as well. Balanced drinks are characterized by having a perfect balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat. The standard rule is 25- to 35-percent protein, 40- to 50-percent carbohydrates and 20- to 30-percent fat.
Meal-replacement drinks come in either powder or ready-to-drink liquid forms. They have many different flavors ranging from chocolate to vanilla to tropical fruit to cookies and cream. The powders are sold by the pound in plastic containers or in individual packets. The average calorie content is 250 to 320 calories per serving, depending on the formula. They can be found in any health-food store and in most health-food sections of conventional grocery stores. They can be mixed with water or milk, depending on one's required caloric needs, and they can be mixed with a blender or made while on the go in a shaker cup.
The ready-to-drink formulas are packaged in plastic or glass bottles. They are really convenient as there is no work involved other than opening the container. They can also be found in health-food stores, health-food sections of grocery stores and often times they are in the refrigerated areas as well. Both varieties can be purchased online.
There is a particular type of weight-loss drink that is designed to make you feel full longer and curb your appetite. These drinks have an absorbable amount of fiber in them that expands in the stomach and is digested really slowly. This gives an extended feeling of fullness. This full feeling stops you from overeating and keeps your caloric intake lower. This in turn leads to less overall calories consumed, which leads to weight loss. One such product is called Slim Styles by Natural Factors. See "Additional Resources," below, for more information.
The main benefits of drinking these shakes is that they increase energy and are good replacements for higher calorie meals. They help regulate blood sugar, lower cholesterol, curb food cravings, and as an added benefit they are convenient. Fiber content is also important. It is not uncommon for meal-replacement drinks to have five or more grams per serving.
Meal-replacement shakes are a great addition to a meal plan and certainly help to facilitate weight loss. But they should be used with caution. First, make sure to read the labels closely to make sure there is nothing in them that might cause an allergic reaction. Second, meal-replacement drinks are not a substitute for healthy eating. Being that they are already pre-formulated with vitamins and nutrients, someone can get by without really understanding what proper nutrition is and what foods are good for them. The idea is to use them in conjunction with a normal eating routine. In the mean time, educate yourself on creating and incorporating healthy, balanced meals into your daily diet.