Home Remedies for Weight Loss Using Apple Cider Vinegar
The use of apple cider vinegar dates back to ancient Egypt, where ACV was used as a medicinal tonic. More recently, D.C. Jarvis, M.D. included it in his book, "Folk Medicine." In his research, Jarvis discovered that ACV was regularly used for its weigh loss benefits. Although it is not clear if Dr. Jarvis performed his own studies, he determined that regular ingestion of ACV leads to gradual and permanent weight loss in women. Another recent study by an Arizona researcher inadvertently showed that, although the study was about the effects of ACV on diabetes, subjects began to lose weight.
ACV is shown to increase metabolism by reducing water retention. When taken before meals, it may suppress appetite. When ACV slows blood sugar levels, insulin levels may be reduced, which can lead to weight loss. When apples are fermented and added to vinegar, vinegar's acidity and apples' fibrous pectin combine and form ACV's remarkable healthful properties. Apple cider vinegar promotes a healthy immune system and may have antiseptic, antibiotic properties. It is considered to be a fine source of amino acids.
ACV is a source of vitamins and minerals., including vitamins C, E, A, B Complex, and beta-carotene. Apple cider vinegar is a rich source of potassium, magnesium, calcium, and other minerals. ACV's nutrients, enzymes and organic acids also suggest their contributions to appetite suppression. Increased metabolic rate has an added benefit. It creates a general sense of well being, which can be an important emotional factor for successful weight loss. With acetic acid and ion-futynic lactic and propionic acid, apple cider vinegar promotes a healthy immune system, which allows for quick recovery from colds and infections.
Some recommend consuming only organic ACV that has not been distilled or pasteurized, which destroys nutrients that can reduce weight loss benefits. Others say that commercial apple cider vinegar is less harsh on the stomach. Regardless of what type of ACV you use, it is wise to dilute the vinegar with water or juice. Drink 1 or 2 tablespoons of ACV, diluted in a tall glass of distilled water or juice before each meal. Add honey or pure maple syrup to take the edge off the taste and to increase benefits. Adding vinegar to boiling water with fresh lemon slices, cloves, honey and cinnamon sticks can make a tastier concoction. It may be a good idea to refrain from taking ACV at night. Since it speeds up metabolism, ACV may cause sleep issues in some people.
Disclaimer: The FDA does not recognize health claims associated with apple cider vinegar and does not regulate ACV as a supplement. All claims are in the category of "may" or "can." Apple cider vinegar "may" control appetite or it "can" aid weight loss. Consider not using supplements, rather the liquid form. Most importantly, speak with a doctor before using ACV for any health issue, including weight loss.