How to Become Model Skinny
Make a commitment to your goal. If you are not committed to being runway thin, then you will be easily stumbled when food temptations arise.
Eat less--a lot less. In general, most traditionally thin models eat very little food. This form of severe calorie restriction is necessary to maintain their thin runway profiles. Many models, regardless of height, consume no more than 1,200 calories daily.
Make the right food choices. If you want to be model thin, sugar and sweets are definitely not allowed. Also if you eat meat, you should only choose lean meats like chicken and certain kinds of fish. It is also highly important to eat very few refined carbohydrates like white bread or rice. Instead, opt for modest-sized portions of whole grains. Also, drink plenty of water and eat many fruits and vegetables, as these are filling without being calorie dense.
Do aerobic exercise every day. Your body will try to lower you metabolism since you are eating very few calories. Therefore doing 30 to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise each day will keep your metabolism high and your body mass index low.
Hire a personal trainer and schedule some meetings with a nutritionist to help you design a plan of action specific to your needs. Many models have their own trainers to assist them in the gym as well as nutritionists to perfectly tailor the foods they eat to help them maintain their runway bodies.
Keep your physical goals in mind. Models have the runway to keep them inspired to stay thin. You must find your own source of inspiration to help keep you committed to your goal of being thin. This will help you to resist making unhealthy food choices or neglecting your exercise routine.