How to Lose Weight Fast Without Drugs
Reduce your calorie intake. Determine the number of calories you should consume daily in order to lose weight. There are a variety of different online tools you can use to assess your caloric target. You'll need to enter your gender, age, weight, height, and activity level.
Get cardiovascular exercise. In order to lose weight fast, you need to burn many more calories than you consume daily. Cardiovascular exercise is the best way to torch calories. Choose a variety of different cardiovascular activities such as running, cycling, swimming, boxing, and aerobics. Aim for at least 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 5 to 6 times per week if you wish to lose weight quickly.
Consume mini-meals throughout the day to boost your metabolism. When you don't eat for long periods of time, your metabolism shuts down to preserve energy. Keep your metabolism going all day by eating every 2 to 3 hours. Make sure you are eating smaller portions with these mini-meals.
Tone muscles through weight-lifting exercises. Additional muscle tone will further boost your metabolism, helping you to burn more calories throughout the entire day. Focus on a different muscle group each day to get maximum benefits from your workout.
Avoid sodium. Since sodium causes you to retain water, you can lose weight quickly if you avoid it altogether. Avoid processed foods--including microwavable meals--which are packed with sodium.
Drink plenty of water. Water helps to flush toxins and waste from the body, aiding your weight loss plan. Drink in excess of 64 ounces of water daily.
Eat a nutritious diet. Try to consume fresh fruits and vegetables as much as possible. If possible, opt for organic foods that are free of chemical treatments. Your body will metabolize and digest natural foods more easily, aiding your weight loss process.
Cut carbohydrates from your diet. Though not recommended as a long-term plan, you can drop a few pounds quickly by avoiding carbohydrates. Stay away from breads, pastas, rice, and crackers. Since it takes the body longer to break down carbohydrates, you will digest food more quickly if you avoid them for a few days.