How to Lose Weight: 20 Pounds in 60 Days Without Exercise
Set a Goal. In November 2008 I was having a hard time fitting my clothes. I was getting comments about gaining weight and I found myself just not liking my body. I was motivated so I set a goal for myself, wrote it down and prayed about it. Your goal has to be one that you are committed to. My goal was to lose weight. I planned to lose 28 pounds by April 1st.
Have a Plan. Now that you know what your goal is, how will you accomplish it. You need a weight loss plan that will spell your diet out. Specifically, your daily activities are what allows you to successfully meet your diet and weight loss goals.
My plan was to Eat Healthy. I decided to make 70% to 80% of all I ate fresh fruit and vegetables. I would also drink 8 glasses of water a day and drink natural Chinese diet teas like Oolong, Pu-er and Green Tea. I would Eat Early, Eat Often, Eat Less, Eat Healthy. This is really not a diet. This is a change of lifestyle. My plan was to "lose weight without exercise". My plan was not to avoid exercising, exercising was just not a part of my plan.
Document your progress. I maintained a daily log of what I would eat in my weight loss journal. The process of writing what I would eat daily helped me stay focused on my goals and eat healthy the next day. It also helped me to be prepared and plan for the next day as I always thought about what I was eating and how healthy it was for me.
Review and Revise. My weight loss journal allowed me to review and revise how I would eat. By logging my daily activities not only was I able to note what I was doing and how it worked I could revise what worked for me. This way my diet was alive and not rigid. This allowed the flexibility I needed for success.
Reward yourself. There are always ups and downs anytime someone attempts to accomplish goals. There are good days and bad days. I focused on rewarding myself for my daily and weekly accomplishments while not getting down on myself if I had a setback. My reward was never to go against my diet but to do some things that I enjoyed in life. I would go to the show, get a movie or book. Many times these "rewards" were things that I would do anyway but I used them as my self motivation and reward.
Pray. This is listed last but it is in fact first on my list. Prayer keeps me focused and grounded. Prayer puts emphasis on God and His Will for my life. Prayer reduces worry. Prayer changes things. Prayer changes you. As you seek to change the negative things in your life like eating a diet of food and drinks that are detrimental to your health, Prayer is essential. I believe I could not lose weight without prayer. Daily I thank God for my weight loss and even my challenges. Daily I pray to God for strength to do those things I planned so I could lose weight. The number one ingredient in "MY Diet" is Prayer.
The results. I lost 20 pounds in 60 days without exercising. This is a change of how I live not a diet. I know to maintain this weight I must exercise. I reality I like to exercise but I was so focused on the negative things I ate that I wanted to change that first in my life. Now I am complimented daily on how well I look. People believe I have spent a lot of money on new clothes. In reality my waist is 2 sizes smaller and can fit clothes I have not been in for 2 years.
Yes, you can lose weight without exercising. Exercise helps. Exercise will keep it off.