How to Lose 2 Pounds a Week
Do the math and understand the weight loss equation; one pound is equal to 3,500 calories. This means a caloric deficiency of 3,500 calories results in one lost pound. Here is an example of the math of losing 2 pounds a week:
To create a 1,000 calorie/day deficiency:
Subtract 500 calories from your daily food intake.
Burn 500 calories through exerciseThis leaves you with a shortage of 1,000 calories per day. Doing this 7 days a week sums up to a deficit of 7,000 calories which equals 2 lost pounds each week.
Burn those calories. 500 calories may sound like spending an eternity in the gym, but it can actually easily be done in under an hour, IF you push yourself. Not having a gym membership is not an excuse to be inactive. Go for a walk. Download a home workout from your computer. Clean the house, chase the kids, run up and down your stairs, just get moving!
Cut out 500 calories. Keep a food journal for 3 days and take a good look at the food that you are using to fuel your body. Find the source of excess calories, and identify your empty calories (foods that are nutritionally null and void). Now remove them from your diet. If willpower is an issue, empty your cupboards of your junk food and restock them with fresh, wholesome foods. You don't have to starve yourself to create a calorie deficit; you can actually eat a larger quantity of food, it just needs to be healthy.
Work to build muscle. Women tend to shy away from this when they are trying to slim down to a smaller size, but adding muscle to your frame actually helps your body to burn fat more efficiently, even when it is resting. It also shapes and tones the body for a better appearance after a drop in weight.
Drink lots of water. Water not only gives you a slight bump in caloric burn, it also helps you eat less and it curbs your cravings. Staying properly hydrated will also give you more energy to complete those daily workouts.