How to Burn Enough Calories to Lose Weight

Most people will do cardio workouts to burn calories but we need to know is this the best way to loose weight and burn fat. Doing a 30 minute cardio workout is good but doing a 10 minute weight training workout is better.


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      Studies show that using a weight programs or intervals can burn fat 3 times as fast as doing a cardio workout. This is important because most of us are limited on time and we want to burn fat so we can loose weight but we want to do it in a short amount of time.

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      The major issue with counting calories on a treadmill is that it can be inaccurate and also if you burn 300 calories it depletes your body of energy and your body will want to eat, but the problem is that you can eat that 300+ in just a powerbar or jamba juice.

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      It is always getter to get a good workout with weights because they will not only bur fat, but they will get you tome as well. Also you want to make sure that you are eating the correct foods because if you work out then you go to the buffet after every workout then you are really defeating the purpose and you will have a harder time loosing the weight.

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      It is important to find a diet plan that works for you because everyone is different and each plan will have a different affect on a persons ability to loose weight. It is always important to look at a diet plan as a lifestyle change so it will make the plan much easier to follow.

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