About Appetite Suppressants
Appetite suppressants decrease the body's desire for food by increasing the serotonin levels in the brain. The role of serotonin and its effects on hunger have long been examined by scientists who have determined that when a person has too little of the chemical, they may be prone to overeat. Appetite suppressants trigger serotonin production, creating more of a balance in the body and shutting down an overactive hunger mechanism.
There are hundreds of weight loss drugs available to consumers, which makes choosing the right one a challenge. Despite all of the fancy labeling and the long list of companies, there are only two types of appetite suppressants manufactured and sold: over-the-counter and prescription. The over-the-counter types consist of herbal extracts, and those prescribed by physicians are usually synthetically manufactured by leading drug companies.
Appetite suppressants were first approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1959, and since that time the use of such dietary aids has skyrocketed. Historically, phentermine has been the most widely used drug of its kind, with others, including adipex and fastin, running a close second. Since the inception of the appetite suppressant, the race to be thin has become as popular as ever.
Appetite suppressants can have substantial benefits when used as a short-term solution. But appetite suppressants lose their effectiveness after a few weeks, which is why some who use them will note that their appetites come back strongly amid prolonged use. But this scenario is usually not an issue when appetite suppressants are taken correctly. In fact, the benefits of appetite suppressants can far outweigh the complications of obesity. Therefore, it is important to emphasize the need for a healthy diet and exercise plan along with the ingestion of appetite suppressants. Eating less fat and carbohydrates, increasing protein and consuming fewer calories will reprogram your body's need for food, with a little bit of temporary assistance from the appetite suppressant. Within a few weeks of these habit changes the body no longer needs assistance, and a person should feel less hungry.
Appetite suppressants do not necessarily have to come in synthetic form to be effective. In fact, the natural appetite suppressants found in some foods may work even better to control hunger and also pose no health risks. Nuts, soups and whey proteins contain fiber that triggers the feeling of fullness. But the best natural appetite suppressant is a juicy red apple. The extra chewing involved in eating an apple and the additional time it takes to finish one give the body enough time to realize that it is satisfied. Eating several a day has proved to be effective in inducing weight loss.
People looking to lose weight and control their hunger need to look no further than their kitchen sinks. Water is an ideal appetite suppressant. It is healthy, necessary, and a full glass can be very satisfying. Drinking some before a meal can also make the stomach feel fuller, causing a person to eat less without feeling hungry.
Those with heart disease should avoid appetite suppressants. Restlessness and nervousness can also occur with use, and the suppressants should be discontinued if in this case. Also, those who suffer from kidney disease and thyroid disorders should consult a doctor before taking any type of weight loss drug, natural or synthetic. Just because a manufacturer makes a claim that an appetite suppressant is natural, it doesn't necessary mean that it is safe to take.