Which Foods Cause Weight Loss?
Foods that advance weight loss are those foods most efficient in burning calories. They are foods that curb hunger, making dieters feel full rather than triggering their appetites. The more a food is in its natural state, the better it is for weight loss. In other words, limit or avoid processed foods. Other foods suited for weight loss are those rich in fiber while low in fat and refined sugar.
Choose fresh, natural vegetables, and avoid fried veggies and those packaged in sauces. A few good choices include Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, corn, cucumbers, green beans, green leafy vegetables, legumes, mushrooms, potatoes, squash, sweet potatoes and yams.
Select fresh fruits in their natural state, such as apples, apricots, bananas, berries, cantaloupe, citrus fruits, peaches and pears. Include natural fruit juices and unsweetened, canned or frozen fruits packed in water or juice. Avoid canned or frozen fruits that are sweetened or packaged in syrup.
Whole grains are good weight-loss foods as opposed to processed grains. Although all grains begin as whole grains, processed grains remove the bran and germ, reducing fiber and other nutrients. By omitting too much fiber, the grain isn't as filling, triggering overeating. Whole-grain foods include wheat, oaks, barley, millet and whole-grain breads.
Low-fat foods help with weight loss. Always check labels for fat grams.
Protein foods good for weight loss include eggs, fish lean meats, poultry, legumes and tofu, as opposed to hot dogs, sausage and fried fish.
Choose nonfat dairy products instead of whole milk and fatty cheeses.
Good liquid fats for weight loss include olive oil, safflower oil and sunflower seed oil.
Besides losing weight, picking foods that help you lose weight rather than just reducing calories benefits your health. For example, whole grains have essential antioxidants as well as minerals, B vitamins and complex carbohydrates. By choosing whole grains as opposed to processed foods, you receive balanced nutrition.
Sugar is known by many names. Other names include brown sugar, glucose, sucrose, corn syrup and dextrose fructose, among many others. Be cautious of the "100-Calorie Packets" because many are filled with additives, carbohydrates and empty calories.
Sometimes dieters are misled, thinking their low-calorie diets are working because they've lost a considerable amount of weight at first. However, they've actually lost mostly water rather than fat. To lose weight, you need to lose fat, not water.
Making food too bland, such as always using no-fat salad dressing and a plain baked potato, may be fine temporarily. But after a while, you may be tempted to pour on a bottle of regular salad dressing and load your baked potato with all the fattening extras. Instead, compromise. Have a low-fat salad dressing, carefully measured. Rather than drizzle it on your salad, order it on the side, dipping your salad into it, or measure it out and then get rid of the rest. Choose a tablespoon of low-fat sour cream, or use plain yogurt for a baked potato.