About The Special K Challenge
The Kellogg Company was founded in 1906. Its philosophy is simple. The company believes in encouraging people to eat better and live healthier. Kellogg's concern for health was evident in the 1970s when it volunteered to list the amount of sugar in its cereals. The company purchased the health food leader, Kashi Company, furthering its focus on nutritional eating.
The Special K Challenge is a 2-week challenge that the Kellogg Company initiated to help people jump start better eating habits. It's a simple eating plan that Kellogg does not call a diet. It focuses on nutrition and healthy eating. The plan consists of three meals a day with two snacks. Two of the meals are Kellogg products, as well as the two snacks. Vegetables and fruit are encouraged as additional foods for the day.
Meal one consists of any Special K cereal with 2/3 cup of skim milk and fruit. The other option is a serving of Special K Red Berries Waffles and 2 tablespoons of light syrup. Meal two consists of a Special K protein meal bar or another serving of cereal. Meal three is a normal meal of your choice. This meal can be the last meal of the day or it can be the first or second meal. The two snacks you eat during the day are a choice among the Kellogg's other products: protein waters and mixes, protein snack bars, cereal bars, bliss bars or crackers. You may eat as many fruits and vegetables as you wish throughout the day.
At the Special K website, you can customize a plan (see Resources below). Answer five questions and then hit enter. They will suggest a plan for your first week. You can go back at any time and answer the questions again, if your answers change. This plan is only a guide. The website also offers a Yahoo groups site, so you can share experiences, peruse the topics and find meal ideas. You can share your experiences and read about the people selected for the Member Spotlight.
The Special K 2-week challenge is to help you lose up to 6 pounds. It also offers advice on healthy living and nutritional choices. The Kellogg's website offers a daily newsletter with lifestyle information. This newsletter focuses on how to start your day, including breakfast ideas, as well as other pointers for healthy living.