How to Look Thinner In Three Easy Ways
Stand up straight. Your mom told you that when you were a kid, didn't she? Seems mom had it right. Lifting your ribcage and lining up your ears with your shoulders, shoulders with your hips, and hips with your ankles are going to keep you from slouching and make you look thinner.
Flatter your figure with the right hairstyle for you. See your hairdresser about finding a cut that fits and slims your facial features as well as your body's frame. Doing this second step can go a very long way in making you look thinner by enhancing your features and drawing the eye upward.
Use clothing to your advantage. Start by not wearing form-fitting clothing if your form isn't so fit. Narrow belts are also a common no-no when you're looking for a trimmer look. Use colors to enhance your figure and think beyond basic black.
Look thinner now by using the above tips regularly to give the appearance of being more slender than you really are. All will make you look, and feel, better about yourself. Remember that there is no viewpoint of how you look that is more important than your own.