How to Lose Weight in Three Weeks
Eliminate all unhealthy foods from your diet. During a normal diet, you can "cheat" every now and then. When you're trying to lose weight in a hurry, though, you cannot afford the occasional slip up. You must stop eating all junk-food snacks (potato chips, cookies, candy), processed foods and fast food. Halt your intake of soda, juices with too much sugar and alcoholic beverages (especially beer).
Do cardiovascular exercise for 1 hour every day. Working up a sweat will burn calories to help you lose weight. There are a variety of different exercises you can perform. Jogging, riding a bike or swimming are all great ways to lose a few pounds. You may have trouble exercising for an hour straight. If that is the case, perform "cool down" exercises during that time. For example, if you're jogging, jog for 15 minutes straight and then walk for 5 to 10 minutes. You can also break up the workout into two 30-minute intervals.
Have different kinds of fruits as snacks during the day. Fruits such as apples and oranges have a good amount of water in them. This is why you feel so full after you have one apple or orange. When you feel full, you're less likely to want to eat more than you should. Fruits are also a healthy snack and will not cause you to gain any weight when eaten in moderation (two to three times a day).
Drink eight to ten 8 oz. glasses of water on a daily basis. This helps to flush out your system, which can keep you healthier and help you shed a few pounds. Just as with eating fruit, drinking more water will make you feel full. This will, of course, keep you from going off your strict diet during those 3 weeks.
Eat six healthy, small-portioned meals and snacks every day. When you eat more often, you force your body to digest that food and burn those calories. This will raise your metabolism, which will help you to lose weight more quickly. The key is to eat less overall food than you normally would. Cut your larger meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) down by one-third of your normal consumption. In between those meals, eat one serving of a fruit or vegetable without any additives (such as dip for carrots).
Stand up more often. You burn more calories when you're on your feet than when you're sitting down or lounging on your couch. This is something you can do while at the office or at home watching television. Stand during your favorite 30-minute sitcom and, if you feel like it, shuffle your feet back and forth. You may feel silly at the time, but you'll be very pleased when 3 weeks has passed and you've lost that extra weight.